Not the Only One


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I think it was around the time of the NT Intervention in 2007-The Australian started running a whole section covering 'Indigenous Australia' but it was all just articles like the horribly racist ones we are seeing now about Kumunjayi Walker. And yes, with the same fake altruism

Ian Campbell: "Suicide prevention discussion …" -

Suicide prevention discussion just sayin’ (US number, fyi) What people think suicide prevention is: Crisis Intervention, National Suicide Prevention Hotline (1-800-273-8255) What suicide prevention actually is: food security, affordable housing, gatekeeper training, peer norm activities, affordable healthcare, housing stabilization policies, community engagement activities, destigmatizing mental illnesses, strengthening household financial security, increasing accessibility for mental health care, parenting skills and family relationship programs, family acceptance of individuals who i...


Vic gov confirms that a police presence will remain at *all* towers, even the ones that have never had any cases. This is appalling. We’re all under the same stay-at-home orders now, why do only these residents have police constantly outside their homes?

Crazy that our book apparently got a launch but myself and Krystal, the authors, weren't even invited or aware of it. It even happened at the University at which I am employed. A great example of how institutions wanna talk about us without us.


This labelling is another tactic to continue positioning these residents as vectors of the virus. This is Afrophobia. This is ableism. Afrophobia and ableism are legitimate concerns.

Over the past year in Queensland there have been three inquests for three Aboriginal women who have been disappeared - all of these cases there have been no charges laid. Ms Bernard and Monique Clubb are still disappeared. Today the second day for Constance May Watcho begins

Diary Of A Disabled Person: "Disabled people deserve to tak…" -

Disabled people deserve to take up space. I was off today, I went out. I was on the left, people going the other way on my right. Someone stepped over my feet, kicking me. They barged down my left side, nearly hitting my head, & yelled at me to "get out of my way, disabled c*nt."It's not often I'm left speechless; I usually give as good as I get. But such an unprecedented ableist attack, out in the open, was beyond belief. Big thanks to all the passers by who looked the other way.

Black Women Leaders Are More Ambitious But Less Supported At Work, McKinsey And Lean In Study Finds

As is often the case, when European-American women experience challenge, Black women face a tsunami, and this laterst report predictably finds what many Black women have known all along-corporate America isn't designed to champion our success.