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I have lost count of the number of times I have had BME staff describe to me how they have watched White colleagues – whom they had welcomed, inducted, supported and helped to train – get promoted over them again and again. I have lost count of the number of time I’ve been told how “stretch opportunities” (such as acting up, secondments, and involvement in significant projects) which are the key to career progression have been filled by a tap on the shoulder followed by promotion. #SideBySide

The opportunity cycle seen through the lens of race and ethnicity from the Bank of England

A set of pictures highlights the ‘opportunity cycle’ of two employees. A White colleague, due to their strong rapport with similar team mates, is given opportunities, gains exposure, excels and is more likely to be promoted. A minority ethnic colleague is given less high profile work, develops less and is overlooked for promotion. #SideBySide

Melissa Sigodo en X

The double standard shown towards Sudanese Brits, most of them doctors, who were not granted a special visa scheme for their families fleeing conflict in Sudan, versus those who fled war in Ukraine. / X #SideBySide

mekka okereke :verified:: "Black women are frequently "Me…" -

Black women are frequently "Meghan-Kated" by the media. I expect Claudine Gay to be Megan-Kated too. And if you don't know what it means to be Meghan-Kated... #SideBySide

Meghan Markle And Prince Harry UK Royal Reporters Coverage Compared To Kate Middleton And Prince William

Kate: "Bumping along nicely! The Duchess was seen placing a protective hand on her tummy as she exited the event." Daily Mail: March 22, 2018 Meghan: "Personally, I find the cradling a bit like those signs in the back of cars: Baby on Board. Virtue signaling, as though the rest of us barren harridans deserve to burn alive in our cars." Daily Mail: Jan. 26, 2019 #SideBySide

Evelyn Mensah - Friends call me Evie en X

@DrAsifOfficial @gmcuk This is NO SURPRISE. Remember #DrWhite who committed non-contact sexual assault over a 4 year period & *begged* to be struck off #GMC register but was ONLY suspended for 12 months. Versus #DrArora & #DrUdoye targeted for laptops & wrong tick on a form… / X #SideBySide

Matthew Sheffield: "According to Politico, Claudin…" -

According to Politico, Claudine Gay faced "plagiarism accusations" while Neil Gorsuch merely "borrowed" from other authors. #SideBySide

Mohamad Safa en X

If you think fertilized eggs are people but parents who've crossed the oceans with their kids aren't, stop pretending your concerns are religious. / X #SideBySide

Cindy Gallop To Female Founders: “Let’s Design Our Own Playing Field” - B&T

“White men get funded on potential. White women get funded on proof, and not (often) even then, and black women and people and women of colour don’t get funded”. “It’s very easy for a white male investor to meet a white male founder and go “oh, he reminds me of myself at his age. I can see myself in him. He’s great to have a beer with. We reckon he can do this. Let’s give him $10 million”. #SideBySide

Racial Profiling: The Bike Thief

In this episode of the American television show What Would You Do?, two different actors stage a bike theft in a public park. Both actors are teenage boys, about the same age, wearing similar clothes, using the same set of burglary tools in the same park, around the same time of day, trying to cut off the lock of the same bike; however, one of the actors is black and the other is white. Comment: So the fact that a white guy was there for more than 20 minutes before even anyone asked him anything doesnt mean anything to you #SideBySide

Double Standard: Bike 'Thief' Experiment Highlights Racism

The white "thief" was allowed to go about his business pretty much unbothered, even breaking out an electric saw to draw more attention, because people failed to stop him. More than 100 people passed by, and only one couple attempted to contact authorities. Someone even wished him good luck. The black bicycle "thief" — not so much. He was immediately surrounded and yelled at, and people were whipping out cell phones and snapping pictures of the "thief." #SideBySide

Police response to N.J. mall fight sparks outrage after Black teen cuffed as white teen watches

New Jersey police are under fire for their response to a fistfight after a Black eighth grader was pinned to the ground and handcuffed while a white teen involved in the weekend mall scuffle was left seated on a couch. The fight, which took place Saturday at Bridgewater Commons in Bridgewater Township, New Jersey, was captured on video and prompted a review of the officers’ conduct, as well as strong words from the governor. #SideBySide

Evelyn Mensah - Friends call me Evie en X

Dr Sharma faced *RACISM* at Portsmouth University as only candidate denied continued employment in Business & Law faculty. She was rejected BUT 11 of 12 white colleagues were retained. The ET panel criticised appointment of Kerry Collier, a white woman with no relevant experience #SideBySide

Study uncovers a gendered double standard for interracial relationships

New research provides evidence that there is greater prejudice toward interracial relationships involving a White woman and a Black man than relationships involving a White man and a Black woman. The study, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, indicates that White woman are derogated by other Whites for dating outside their racial group while White men are not. #SideBySide

News photograph captions described a black man "looting" and a white couple "finding" supplies in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

Many viewers noticed the seeming disparity of the darker-skinned subject's being described in the accompanying caption as "looting a grocery store," while the lighter-skinned subjects were described as "finding bread and soda from a local grocery store": #SideBySide

What If They Were White? The Differential Arrest Consequences of Victim Characteristics for Black and White Co-offenders

Black offenders are significantly more likely to be arrested than their White co-offending partners, especially for assault offenses. More importantly, this effect—for both assaults and homicides—is particularly strong when the victim is a White woman. Because these differences are between two offenders who commit the same offense together, we argue that the most plausible explanation for the differences is the presence of racial bias or discrimination. #SideBySide

Cops use different tone of voice with black and white drivers - Los Angeles Times


Racial disparities in police officers' tone of voice reduces trust in the police

We use body camera footage to look at how police officers' tone of voice when interacting with Black and White men. Participants responded that officers' tone communicated more respect and friendliness towards White drivers, even as we masked the race of the driver and the content of the officers' speech. Exposing community members to Black-directed (vs. White-directed) speech reduced institutional trust in law enforcement and led to more negative representations of the police #SideBySide

Teacher treatment of students factors into racial gap in school suspensions | Brown University

Elementary schools tend to discipline black students more harshly than white students, leading to a considerable racial gap in expulsion and suspension. That’s among the findings of a new data analysis led by researchers at Brown and Princeton universities. The analysis found that teachers’ different treatment of black and white students accounted for 46% of the racial gap in suspensions and expulsions from school among 5- to 9-year-old children. It showed that about 21% of the gap could be explained by differences in the characteristics of schools that black and white children attend pred...

What racism looks like

Trayvon Martin had traces of marijuana in system at time of death, autopsy reveals Louisville shooter Connor Sturgeon was star athlete but suffered 'multiple concussions' #SideBySide

Indigenous prison, deaths in custody, health and poverty in Australia | — Australia’s leading news site

In the case of Tanya Day, 55, she was arrested after the train conductor found her asleep on the service travelling from Bendigo to Melbourne in 2017. She later died after hitting her head several times while in custody. The coroner found Ms Day was “not treated with dignity and humanity” and the train conductor’s decision to call the police was influenced by “unconscious bias”. “She was the only sleeping passenger he has ever called police to remove from the train, although he comes across three sleeping passengers a week,” the coroner wrote in her findings. The coroner also noted the s...

Side-by-side comparison can help you make ethical choices and avoid stereotypes. // News // Notre Dame Deloitte Center for Ethical Leadership // University of Notre Dame

A recent study showed that when participants evaluated candidates for a job one-by-one, they tended to rely on stereotypes. They ignored candidates’ past performance, and they tended to select male candidates for math tasks and females for verbal tasks. But when they compared male candidates side-by-side with female candidates, they were able to focus on actual job performance and qualifications, and they chose the best person for the job in a less biased manner. #SideBySide

Report Documents Racial Bias in Coverage of Crime by Media

Mugshots were used in coverage of 45% of cases involving Black people accused of crimes compared to only 8% of cases involving white defendants White victims were nearly four times more likely to be presented in photos with friends and family than Black people victimized by crime Media coverage was 50% more likely to refer to white defendants by name as compared to Black defendants #SideBySide

The Pervasiveness Of Racism And Bias In The Media

As global news outlets provide the public with hour-by-hour updates about the conflict, many media outlets and journalists are being called out for racialized language in the way that stories are being reported. In one news segment, a senior foreign correspondent for CBS News stated that Ukraine “isn’t a place, with all due respect, like Iraq or Afghanistan, that has seen conflict raging for decades. This is a relatively civilized, relatively European…city, where you wouldn’t expect that or hope that it’s going to happen.” #SideBySide

The Pervasiveness Of Racism And Bias In The Media

More reports must highlight how African migrants were being turned away while fleeing from Ukraine, but stories like this don’t initially gain as much coverage or traction. There has been a lack of coverage highlighting the conflict between the government of Ethiopia and the forces in the Tigray region. The conflict has persisted since November of 2020 and thousands of people have died while more than 300,000 people are living in famine. In the West African country of Cameroon, there is currently a civil war taking place in the country’s northwest region. The Anglophone crisis has been ongo...

The Pervasiveness Of Racism And Bias In The Media

In December of 2021, 23-year-old Lauren Smith-Fields was found dead in her Bridgeport, Connecticut apartment. Smith-Fields’ family was never notified of her death. Smith-Field had been on a Bumble date before she passed away. Smith-Field’s case did not gain national attention until rapper Cardi B posted about the case on her social media account, which helped the story gain national attention. Black women, girls, and femmes who go missing or are found dead are rarely reported on. This lack of visibility when it comes to their stories was the reason why the #SayHerName campaign was birthed. ...

Uncovering Unconscious Racial Bias - Lecture Examines Stereotypes and Their Impacts | National Academies

To study whether bias might be shaping disparities in treatment earlier in life, during schooling, Eberhardt and her colleagues gave teachers files describing a hypothetical student’s misbehavior, and asked how they would discipline the student. Half the teachers were given a file for a student named Greg — a stereotypically white name — and the other half were given an identical file for a student named Darnell, a stereotypically black name. When a single incident of misbehavior was described, there was no difference in how teachers said they would discipline the students. But when a sec...

Uncovering Unconscious Racial Bias - Lecture Examines Stereotypes and Their Impacts | National Academies

One study Eberhardt conducted using data collected by the New York Police Department on stop, question, and frisk practices found that NYPD officers were far more likely to stop and frisk black people based on “furtive” movements — a term without an objective definition — than they were to stop white people, even though the black people stopped proved no more likely than whites to have a weapon. #SideBySide

Uncovering Unconscious Racial Bias - Lecture Examines Stereotypes and Their Impacts | National Academies

Another study found that during sentencing in murder cases where a victim was white, black defendants whose facial features were more stereotypically black were more than twice as likely to receive death sentences as were defendants with less stereotypically black features. #SideBySide

Uncovering Unconscious Racial Bias - Lecture Examines Stereotypes and Their Impacts | National Academies

For photos of neutral objects — such as staplers or cameras — all groups of students were able to identify them at the same point in time. But for images of crime-relevant objects such as guns or knives, the result was far different: Students who had been shown black faces identified the images of weapons much sooner than those who had been shown white faces or who had not been shown any photos. The experiment illustrated not only the power of unconscious biases, but also the depth of the stereotypic association people have between blackness and crime — an association that Eberhardt has st...

How hidden bias can stop you getting a job

One recent study by Faye Cocchiara, an instructor of management atArkansas State University, found that prospective employers categorise job applicants using these sociolinguistic cues. “We were interested in what would happen to a person who sounded black and actually wasn’t,” she explains. “About 89% of people were able to classify the people’s voices as black.” The research found that whether the voice came from a black person or not, those who were classified as being black purely on the sound the voice were subjected to more negative judgements. #SideBySide

How hidden bias can stop you getting a job

“What we saw was that suitability of participants was lower for people applying that were obese, versus people who were normal weight or whose weight wasn’t revealed,” says Stuart Flint, senior research fellow in public health and obesity at Leeds Beckett University and an author on the study. This bias was compounded if the candidate fit into multiple categories that are often discriminated against. Obese women, for example, were considered even less suitable for the job than obese men. “People who are overweight are considered lazy and less intelligent – stereotypes that are unfounded,” ...

Black men sentenced to more time for committing the exact same crime as a white person, study finds - The Washington Post #SideBySide

White woman who stole $250K gets probation, while Black woman who stole $40K goes to jail. Disparate sentences spark calls for reform -

Two Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court judges doled out disparate sentences this week to women who stole public money in separate cases, reigniting calls to create a statewide sentencing database to ensure judges mete out fair punishments. A white woman stole nearly $250,000 from the village of Chagrin Falls. Judge Hollie Gallagher sentenced her on Monday to two years of probation. A Black woman who stole $40,000 from Maple Heights City Schools went before Judge Rick Bell, who sentenced her Tuesday to 18 months in prison. #SideBySide

If I am stopped by police, can I be sure it is not because of my race? | Racism. It Stops With Me

The 2019 data revealed that Aboriginal drivers were far more likely to be given penalties by police, despite cameras revealing infringement levels between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal drivers to be almost exactly the same. #SideBySide

8 Ways the Media Upholds White Privilege and Demonizes People of Color - Everyday Feminism

For instance, young white men responsible for horrible mass shootings are often given the “brilliant loner” treatment. Headlines describing killers like Adam Lanza and James Holmes as “smart,” “quiet,” and “nice” are common. On the other hand, when young people of color are the victims of violence, they still rarely get their accomplishments named in the mainstream media. In McKinney, Texas, white neighbors yelled racial slurs and physically assaulted a group of youth of color at a pool party – and things got even worse when a police officer called to the scene wrestled unarmed Black teen...

10 Examples That Prove White Privilege Exists in Every Aspect Imaginable - YES! Magazine Solutions Journalism

Everyday Feminism writer Maisha Z. Johnson deepened my understanding of this bias that rears its unwelcome, White-loving head, for example, in pictures that humanize White killers while simultaneously dehumanizing victims of Color: Theater Shooting Suspsect Was Brilliant Science Sudent with picture of white male with suite and tie. Police: Michael Brown Struggled With Officer Before Shooting with picture of black male with singlet. #SideBySide

10 Examples That Prove White Privilege Exists in Every Aspect Imaginable - YES! Magazine Solutions Journalism

Two sets of pictures, one with and one without mugshots—for the same crime, covered by the same reporter (on the same day)—further illustrate this bias: Three University of Iowa wrestlers arrested; burglary charges pending with three white males in suits and ties. Coralville police arrest four in burglary investigation with four black men and their mugshots of when they were caught. #SideBySide

10 Examples That Prove White Privilege Exists in Every Aspect Imaginable - YES! Magazine Solutions Journalism

The Huffington Post’s Julia Craven recently taught me that, since September 11, White supremacists (who tend to be White) have perpetuated more terrorism in the United States than any foreign threat. The Southern Poverty Law Center connects nearly 100 killings to a single White supremacist website, Stormfront (whose users also tend to be White). And though I share a similar skin color as these violent White people, I move about free from violent stereotypes—and I haven’t even brought up all the famous White serial killers! Meanwhile, Homeland Security misdirects its resources on the surveil...

How teaching highlights the double standards applied to men and women | Women | The Guardian

One teacher was fired after parents found out they were an underwear model while another was crowned ‘world’s sexiest teacher’ and won a modelling contract. Guess which one is a female teacher? #SideBySide

Black Women Always Have Highest Expectations Placed On Them

I was very familiar with the system, as I had run it at a previous company. I knew it inside out, and I knew how to use it in such a way that our department would be very successful in resolving outstanding consumer debts. Another woman, who was white, also applied for the position. She had no experience with the system, and anything she did know about it, I taught her. She was not as proficient with it as I was, and she would likely require a lot of help if she were given the position instead of me. Even with that knowledge, management had us both go through the extensive interview proce...

Broken Ladders Report: Our thoughts

Locked out of progression: 28% of women of colour (compared with 19% of white women) reported that a manager had blocked their progression at work, and 42% reporting being passed over for promotion despite good feedback (compared to 27% for white women). #SideBySide

Randahl Fink: "30,000 Palestinians killed. —…" -

30,000 Palestinians killed. — World leaders: “Israel has a right to defend itself.” 7 international aid workers killed. — World leaders: “ISRAEL HAS GONE TOO FAR!” If your moral values change depending on the nationality of the victims, you do not have any moral values. All you have is racism. #SideBySide

Serena Williams again bears brunt of double standards in tennis | Serena Williams | The Guardian

King duly noted the double standard over a woman’s right to express her frustration on court. Compare the sympathetic or neutral coverage of male players’ transgressions from Roger Federer to Novak Djokovic with the heated debate generated by Williams’s stance. Let’s not forget Dominic Thiem’s multiple racket smashes this season. At the Rome Open in May, the Sky Sports commentary observed: “Broke it in style, didn’t he?” as Thiem violently destroyed his racket. “Not condoning it, but you can understand his frustration.” #SideBySide

Race double standard clear in rioters’ Capitol insurrection | AP News

Black Lives Matter protests, 2020: Overwhelming force from law enforcement in dozens of cities. Chemical dispersants. Rubber bullets and hand-to-hand combat with largely peaceful crowds and some unruly vandals and looters. More than 14,000 arrests. The U.S. Capitol, Jan. 6, 2021: Barely more than a few dozen arrests. Several weapons seized, improvised explosive devices found. Members of a wilding mob escorted from the premises, some not even in handcuffs. The key difference? The first set of protesters were overwhelmingly Black Americans and their allies. The second group was overwhelming...

Y’all Not Tired of Hating on Black Women? When Misogynoir Meets Double-Standards | Diverse: Issues In Higher Education

All season long, Louisiana State University’s Angel Reese has received criticism for exhibiting the same passion and showmanship for which University of Iowa player Caitlin Clark has been praised. So, what’s the difference? Angel Reese is an outspoken, hyper-confident Black woman. Black women are not allowed to freely express themselves in ways that white women have historically been praised for, whether it is displaying passion or vulnerability. #SideBySide

Brady's failure to shake Foles' hand ignites Newton discussion

Wow, just saw Brady’s post game. Wondering if all the people who ripped Cam Newton for being a “poor sport” are doing the same for Brady. Or if it’s considered ok but “he’s just such a competitor”. Pound Sand TB12. #SideBySide

Cam Newton, The Super Bowl, And Racist Stereotypes Against A Black Quarterback | Adam Ericksen

Newton’s response to the reporter was brilliant. After all, the racist stereotype was shattered 26 years ago! In 1990 Randall Cunningham threw for 30 touchdowns, 3,466 yards, and ran for 942 yards – which combined for an NFL record until 2006. But racist stereotypes are hard to break. A white reporter demanding that a black quarterback answer for white stereotypes against black quarterbacks points to the power structures of racism in American culture. Black people must answer for racism? Really? #SideBySide

Refereeing Serena: Racism, Anger, and U.S. (Women’s) Tennis

Yes, I’m aware of all the ways in which her acts in this moment reinforce stereotypes of the Angry Black Woman. However, we cannot use our investment in a respectability politic which demands that Black women never show anger or emotion in the face of injustice to demand Serena’s silence. Resistance is often impolite, and frequently it demands that we skirt the rules. Even so, when asked about her loss yesterday, Serena, while not remorseful about her exchange with the ref, was nothing but gracious to Sam Stosur on her win. Moreover, the USTA loves angry heckling players—as long as they a...

Davide Tommasin ዳቪድ: "The double standard with which…" -

The double standard with which "Western" genocidal conflicts are managed by the white man in #Gaza & how the white man manages genocidal conflicts in #Africa: the example of #TigrayGenocide ⤵️ #Justice4Tigray #SideBySide

Double standards stir racist-Australia comments

We have offered unlimited visas to Ukrainian refugees, but 700,000 displaced Afghans do not get the same treatment. So much for respect for human rights in democratic Australia, writes Bilal Cleland. #SideBySide

Thomas Zimmer: "Think of the way angry white r…" -

Think of the way angry white reactionaries who storm school board meetings are described as “concerned parents” – but Black parents are special interest groups and progressive educators are “activists.” 7/ #SideBySide

xkcd: How it Works

Alt-text: figure 1 - Two people at a whiteboard doing math: Wow, you suck at math. Figure 2 - Two people at a whiteboard, one a woman doing math: Wow, girls suck at math. #SideBySide

Double standards | Cartoon Movement

Double standards between what is happening in Ukraine and what happened previously in other countries #SideBySide

Rodge Nichols: "@shojiwax #Israel conducted a …" -

#Israel conducted a defensive operation against #Iran to protect their safety. #Iran decides to attack #Israel. One is a defensive operation to ensure safety, the other is an unprovoked attack. #SideBySide

notBread: "Unsurprisingly the west contin…" -

Unsurprisingly the west continues its colonial mindset in the Israel debacle. Insofar as anything the west and its allies does is justified, even so far as murdering an entire ethnic group, whereas if any action is done by any group not aligned with Washington, it is unjustifiable. [ #israel #iran #yemen #colonialism #internationalRelations ] #SideBySide

Fahad Ali en X

You really can’t whinge about a retaliatory missile strike with no reported civilian casualties, while being absolutely silent about, you know, the mass killing of tens of thousands of Palestinians and the decimation of hospitals, schools, and homes. #SideBySide

David Mandel en X

Police officer: I've been a police officer for over ten years and sometimes when I respond to a domestic call I say to the mother (who is the victim) 'how can you let your children go through this?' Me: How many times in 10 years have a you said to the perpetrating father 'how could you put the mother of your children and your children through this?' Police officer: *Silence* And we wonder why survivors don't want to go the police and perpetrators feel permission to continue to abuse.... Gender double standards around parenting (low expectations for man as parents, high expectations f...

Libre Mind: "‘What would Britain do if a ho…" -

‘What would Britain do if a hostile nation flattened one of our consulates?’ Foreign Secretary David Cameron after condemning Iran: ‘We would take very strong action.’ One set of rules for the global south, another set of rules for the US and Europe. In fact, the West's track record shows they'd bomb to oblivion civilian infrastructure and population. #SideBySide

Linux Is Best: "What Hamas did to Israel is ho…" -

What Hamas did to Israel is horrible and Israel had the right to defend itself and seek justice, but what is going on in Gaza is not justice or defense. Aid has been blocked, delayed, and even targeted, and regular everyday citizens are starving in the streets and cannot even freely leave Gaza. Now, Iran has attacked Israel and suddenly our mainstream media and all our elected offices want to "move on" and seemingly want to forget the people of Gaza and focus on Iran. #Politics #Palistine #Israel #Gaza #Iran #SideBySide

the trouble with mia :baner:: "Remember the weeks of coverage…" -

Remember the weeks of coverage and outrage when Nôtre Dame burned down? Just a few which have been destroyed during the genocide. Great Omari Mosque - 2,500 years old Qasr al-Basha - 800 years old Church of St. Porphyrius - 1,600 years old Hammam al-Sammara - circa 1,000 years old Photo credit: Omar Al Qattaa #SideBySide

The privileges that come from belonging to mainstream, dominant culture.

The privileges that come from belonging to mainstream, dominant culture. This person kills 6 people, seriously injures others including a 9 month old baby...appears to have targeted women and somehow within two days we have humanising stories about him on the front pages of a national newspaper!!! Meanwhile a string of robberies by a few youth of colour gets everyone - all politicians and commentators questioning the value of multiculturalism and questioning our migration policies? #dobetter #mediawatch #stopviolence #SideBySide

Rowland Mosbergen: "So let me understand: Attack …" -

So let me understand: Attack the Capital building - minimal police presence and highlight that these people have the right to protest. Peaceful protest at UT Austin - get the police in there with violent intent. #SideBySide

Radio Resistance: "@rowlandm That's right. Viol…" -

@rowlandm That's right. Violent insurrection waged by "patriots." That's a good thing. They're expressing themselves. Peace demonstrators are bad - criminal even. They're making Americans have to think about brown people that our government is actively killing. #SideBySide

America Fueled the Fire in the Middle East

Washington didn’t blink when Israel bombed Iran’s consulate, even as it was condemning Ecuador’s recent assault on the Mexican Embassy in Quito. #SideBySide

JackieM: "@mekkaokereke you can’t have a…" -

@mekkaokereke you can’t have a birth rate crisis and a border crisis at the same time. Unless you’re racist. So… The one that reaaaally gets under my skin is when like little Italian towns are giving away villas or whatever to Americans, and simultaneously drowning entire families. #SideBySide

Omar Moore: "Fed up of these media people t…" -

Fed up of these media people talking about “how hard it must be” for Orange Thug to sit through a trial. You had five innocent boys in Central Park who sat through a year of hell and then years of hell behind bars for a crime they didn’t commit. This Orange Thug KNOWS he’s GUILTY. #SideBySide

Qasim Rashid, Esq.: "President Biden has signed a b…" -

President Biden has signed a bill to effectively ban TikTok. Meanwhile, we've watched Facebook admit to enabling Rohingya genocide, help to manipulate the 2016 election, sell our private data, cause massive PTSD to its own employees, and currently let Israeli military spy on Palestinians—face zero meaningful accountability whatsoever—but it's a good thing we've banned TikTok, because, you know, for safety. Just absurd and dangerous hypocrisy. smh.#SideBySide

Ladies, Gentlemen, all Gendered and Non Binary Friends, you cannot make this stuff up.

Ladies, Gentlemen, all Gendered and Non Binary Friends, you cannot make this stuff up. The lack of diversity, equity, equality and inclusion in media strikes again. Same newspaper publisher - THE SUN. Same incident - Injury by Knife Attack. Same Outcome - Fatal loss to life. Same type of person - Young Persons. Different in - Race / Colour. The difference in which media coverage by The Sun on Daniel Anjorin vs The Nottingham Knife Victims Barney and Grace is clearly visible in the images below. #SideBySide

Elon Musk, MacKenzie Scott—Why are women billionaires more criticized

“No matter how amazing a person Taylor Swift is, she shouldn’t be a billionaire because nobody should be a billionaire,” argued Ingrid Robeyns, the chair in ethics of institutions at Utrecht University’s Ethics Institute, and author of Limitarianism: The Case Against Extreme Wealth. “We focus here on an individual, but really the bigger question is: What kind of society do we want?” But why is it that it took a woman—Taylor Swift, who reached billionaire status after the success of her Eras Tour—to bring out this debate? While the unequal distribution of wealth in America might be deeply p...

Prof Kemi FG: "Kaepernick: "The cops should m…" -

Kaepernick: "The cops should maybe not kill Black people all the time." NFL & fans: "That dirty ni-, that dirty thug should shut his mouth and leave politics out of sports." Butker: "Broads should stay in the kitchen, and while I'm at it, let me tell you about 'diversity,' if you know what I mean, ha ha." NFL & fans: "Yes gigachad, speak your truth, we value all opinions here." #BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #BlackTwitter #NFL #football

Kitchen Priestess (She/Her): "@Tarheel My husband also wor…" -

My husband also works in a very low level data crunching GIS dept of the local government, and they aren't allowed to so much as have a lunch with a developer, builder, engineer, or anyone at all even remotely related to building and zoning, much less accept a gift. The corruption in the Supreme Court and Congress stinks to high heaven. #SideBySide

NFL head Roger Goodell responds to Harrison Butker's commencement speech : NPR

But some social media users were quick to contrast Goodell’s comments with his reaction to another high-profile controversy involving a football player exercising his right to self-expression: that of former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick. #SideBySide

Michael: "White male MPs make mistakes a…" -

White male MPs make mistakes and are mostly forgiven. Not so women of colour like Faiza Shaheen | Shaista Aziz #SideBySide

Dendan Setia (Nins): "Perfect. 10/10. No notes. Jan…" -

Perfect. 10/10. No notes. Jan 2020 NYT headline: "U.N.Court Orders Myanmar to Protect Rohingya Muslims" Subhead: "The injunction was issued by the International Court of Justice at The Hague, where accusations of genocide have been brought against the Southeast Asian country." Jan 2024 NYT headline: "U.N.Court Declines to Demand That Israel Stop Its Military Campaign" Subhead: "The International Court of Justice ruled that Israel must take action to ensure that its military doesn't violate the Genocide Convention, and to let more aid in to Gaza." Funny how the wording is almost the same ...

Tea. Scalding hot. Boiling like a witch’s cauldron.

Let me get this straight (pun intended): if you own a bakery and you’re a bigot, you can decline to make a wedding cake for people in the LGBTQ+ community. See: Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission (2018). But the Fearless Fund, also a business – one dedicated to righting historical wrongs on who gets to be an entrepreneur, is barred from allocating grants from its fund as it wishes? #SideBySide

Rowland Mosbergen: "@abcfeeds Compare this to #B…" -

When 10 people died in the Hunter Valley bus crash, it sparked a push to improve bus safety. A year on, this is what's changed By Romy Stephens As the nation prepares to mark the first anniversary of the Hunter Valley bus crash, steps continue to be taken to improve bus safety and ensure a similar tragedy never happens again. Compare this to #BlackDeathsInCustody #SideBySide 500 Indigenous deaths in custody since 1991. Have a think about that. Since a landmark royal commission revealing the extent of the issue & providing over 330 recommendations abt how to address it, there he been 500 ...

The West’s double standards are once again on display in Israel and Palestine

Second, the double standard is on display in the reactions we have seen to the killing of Israeli civilians and the reactions — or lack thereof — to the killing of Palestinian civilians. Many are rightly highlighting western hypocrisy by drawing comparisons to how the West responded to Russia’s war on Ukraine. A woman holds a placard reading: Jews say stop the genocide against Palestinians A member of South Florida Jewish Voice for Peace holds a sign during a protest calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, outside the Miami office of Sen. Rick Scott, on Oct. 17, 2023, in Coral Gables, Fla. (AP Ph...

The West’s hypocritical double standards - Asia Times

I still vividly remember my dean at the time, Kishore Mahbubani, an internationally renowned thinker and former president of the United Nations Security Council, repeatedly sharing his collected examples of the West’s double standards on human rights, including numerous cases in the Middle East, Asia, Latin American and Africa. In his opinion, the reason behind such double standards was that the West will take a moral stand only when its fundamental interests are not affected. That has unfortunately been the hard truth. Today, I would like to add some new cases involving my homeland China...

Does Australia have double-standard when it comes to “terror” convictions? - ABC Religion & Ethics

I readily acknowledge that the details in the respective cases are not thoroughly known, but based on reports, there are a number of serious questions about the standards of justice used to measure and deliver terror convictions. It often appears that Anglo-Australians who possess weapons and extremist materials, and show signs of plotting a terror attack, are charged with far less serious offences at the state level, and are able to avoid the “terrorist” label. Rather than receiving sentences of sixteen, eighteen, or thirteen years, Anglo-Australians have received sentences of three-years ...

The Double Standards Held Against the Black Community in America - The Bottom Line UCSB

In the National Football League (NFL), for example, when Colin Kaepernick knelt in protest during the national anthem, all hell broke loose. Kaepernick did this to bring awareness to police brutality against the black community in order to make the issue visible on a bigger platform. But this came at a heavy cost to his career. After that season, Kaepernick became a free agent and no team picked him up. In 2017, he filed a lawsuit against the NFL for job discrimination on the grounds of advocating for social justice and equality. If Megan Rapinoe, a white, LGBTQ soccer star can do the s...

Race double standard clear in rioters’ Capitol insurrection | AP News

Black Lives Matter protests, 2020: Overwhelming force from law enforcement in dozens of cities. Chemical dispersants. Rubber bullets and hand-to-hand combat with largely peaceful crowds and some unruly vandals and looters. More than 14,000 arrests. The U.S. Capitol, Jan. 6, 2021: Barely more than a few dozen arrests. Several weapons seized, improvised explosive devices found. Members of a wilding mob escorted from the premises, some not even in handcuffs. #SideBySide

Racial Double Standard in Drug Laws Persists Today

In a yearlong investigation, the Asbury Park Press and the USA TODAY NETWORK examined hundreds of thousands of arrest records and federal drug convictions nationwide over the past 30 years. Reporters found that Black people are arrested far more frequently and punished more severely than white people for drug crimes, even though drug use within the two racial groups is roughly the same. #SideBySide

Amnesty International Report denounces the West's 'double standards' | Euronews

Amnesty International's annual report has drawn attention to the West's alleged "racist double standards" in dealing with human rights violations. The organisation gives as an example the reception of Ukrainian refugees based on their country of origin. "They didn't offer the same treatment to those escaping war and repression in Syria and Afghanistan," says Philip Luther, Senior Research and Policy Adviser at Amnesty International. "The USA as well, of course, a vocal critic of Russia's aggression on Ukraine, in a welcome move also admitted tens of thousands of Ukrainians fleeing the w...

Patriarchy on trial: double standards in the criminal justice system - Revolving Doors

In criminal justice terms, this usually means that girls and women are judged more harshly than their male counterparts; disbelieved, decried or demeaned for making a complaint (indeed, culturally coerced into ‘caring’, being ‘kind’ and blaming ourselves for any harms, crimes or injustices against us); and that we are less likely to report violent, sexualised or physical crimes because we know the system is more likely to punish than protect us. #SideBySide

The Gaza war: International selectivity and double standards – Middle East Monitor

Oleksandra Matviichuk, a Ukrainian human rights lawyer and Nobel Peace Prize winner, states: “Instead of siding in the Gaza war, we should all root for humanity.” The divide in the Western approach, especially from the US and the European Union, towards the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the Israeli aggression in Gaza is astonishing. The US has committed approximately $46 billion in military aid to Ukraineand a total of $113 billion in various forms of assistance to defend against “Russian occupation”. In stark contrast, these powers continuously support Israel, not only politically, but also ...


Tom Brady walks off field without shaking hands: “fierce competitor, hates losing” Cam Newton walks off field without shaking hands: “classless thug, doesn’t get it” #SideBySide


When 1 in 4 #covid cases were in the Mornington peninsula or Toorak and South Yarra or 1/4 of deaths from Ruby Princess, the Bolts & Hanson’s of this world never raised the race of these communities. So when they do now know it’s just filthy racism, gutter racism by racists. #SideBySide


So, Indigenous pple are systematically pursued & charged for cannabis possession yet these boys from a “good school” snort cocaine IN FRONT OF COPS yet get off AND the magistrate (also a “good school” boy?) tells them they should have used the bathroom!!! #SideBySide


We're in the same storm, but on very different ships. The folks who risked our health by flouting directions to stay put are still moving freely around Toorak, Malvern, and Portsea. People who live in public homes are locked down. #SideBySide


From what I'm hearing, St Kilda is partying tonight like there's no tomorrow. And Toorak is heading for the Mornington Peninsula. Meanwhile, back in the public housing gulags... Is this true ? #SideBySide


@TimSmithMP @TimWilsonMP #CovidVic #auspol2020 @2GB873 @dailytelegraph Melbourne's 'Nine Towers' 75 infections. Zero deaths. The Ruby Princess: 914 infections, 22 deaths Just sayin' for a friend. #SideBySide


The rate of fines issued in Dandenong was 4x higher than that in Stonnington (South Yarra, Prahran, Toorak etc). Yeah, I’m back on my fines bullshit because people haven’t wrapped their head around cops being a shit public health strategy yet. #SideBySide


The militarised, punitive treatment of racial minorities is one of the most critical points to lift out of Premier Daniel Andrews' press conference today. Race and class have led to two unequal approaches to public health during COVID-19 THREAD #SideBySide


March 27: Stonnington (Toorak etc) had 58 COVID-19 cases (10% of Victoria's total), the Mornington Peninsula had 39, the second-highest number. Very little testing was being done compared to now. Where were the repurposed booze-buses, police foot patrols and lockdowns then? #SideBySide


Really don't want to be that guy but they never would put a cop on every street corner in Toorak, Brighton, et al, even though we had a coupla super-spreaders come back from aspen with the virus. This is beyond fkd #SideBySide


When Obama was in office, only 30% of white evangelicals would forgive a president's immoral behavior. Now it's 72%. #SideBySide


Good article from 2016: White Man's Manslaughter. Black Man's Murder. White Man's Riot. Black Man's Uprising. - New Matilda - #SideBySide

A White Man, Black Man, and White Woman All Try To Steal a Bike - And Only One of Them Is Stopped

We've been taught to assume Black people are up to no good. For those who don't understand why that's racist, check out this this hidden-camera experiment by "What Would You Do" where three people (a white man, a Black man, and a white woman) attempt to steal a bike. The responses are not surprising - unless you don't believe racism and benevolent sexism exist. #SideBySide

How a hand gesture dominated a NCAA title game and revealed a double standard

At the women's NCAA final, Angel Reese of LSU waved her hand in front of her face while glaring at Iowa's Caitlin Clark. Here's what the gesture means and why it sent social media into a tizzy. #SideBySide

If a woman had nine children by three fathers, could she be a CEO like Elon Musk?

Elon Musk and Boris Johnson have multiple children with multiple women and it shows there is still a double standard about the options for women in public life. #SideBySide

Antoinette Lattouf en LinkedIn: Attacks on ABC presenter Fauziah Ibrahim go too far | Meanwhile, there have been male and/or white media personalities who have breached broadcasting codes and had court rulings against them, and they've not only kept their jobs, some have been given bigger and bet...

Just jotted down some points about online abuse, hate speech, journalistic conduct and repercussions in between school pick ups and dinner ... "Meanwhile... #SideBySide

@stephondoestech I was given the "you're not technical enough" feedback on a job I applied for. I literally trained everyone in the department. Because I was a woman, I wasn't technical, but by some magic the male techs I trained were. In the end, that manager was fired, and I got promoted. #SideBySide

We've never been allowed to speak about politics in sports but all of a sudden it's allowed... Palestinians have been going through [occupation] for the past 74 years. Egyptian squash player Ali Farag called out the double standards on Ukraine #SideBySide

I asked Palestinian friends what they felt about the racist media coverage over the war on Ukraine and the double standards of global support. These were their responses. Watch full video on YouTube: #SideBySide

As a Ukrainian-American I am immensely proud of the bravery of Ukrainians and of the support being shown by Americans. As a Middle East analyst I am floored by the blatant double standard on resisting occupation and repression. #SideBySide

As a Kurd it is very difficult for me to not feel bitterness from the current Ukrainian refugee situation.. A few months ago my people were freezing to death at the very same polish border, because Poland refused to let them in - what difference do we and Ukrainians have? #SideBySide

Critics Denounce Racist Double Standard of Western Media's Ukraine Coverage

If your response to war in Ukraine is 'they're just like us,' remember that so are the people of Yemen, Syria, Kurdistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine. #SideBySide

When people complain about double standards towards Ukraine vis a vis Palestine etc, they aren't saying that people of Ukraine deserve to suffer or shouldn't be protected. They're expressing unresolved grief about having a government that didn't defend their people when needed. #SideBySide