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Discrimination must be eliminated from the public service

APS4 to APS5 and APS5 to APS6 , Anglo applicants were 10% more likely to be promoted APS6 to EL1, Anglo applicants were 25% more likely to win promotion From EL1 to EL2, Anglo applicants were around 50% percent more likely to get promoted From EL2 to SES, Anglo applicants were about 60% percent more likely to get promoted Whilst the probability of promotion increases for Anglo applicants. The probability of promotions decreases with grades for Non-Anglo applicants.

Discrimination based on names is rampant, according to a study that found anglo job applicants are more likely to get a call back than Arabic, Indian or other ethnic names

Job applicants with surnames such as Habib, Huang, Papadopoulos or Singh are 60 per cent less likely to get a call back for a leadership role than those with English-sounding names such as Smith, Williams or Thornbury-Drummond. This is the finding of a two-year study by Monash University researchers, who sent more than 12,000 fabricated job applications to more than 4000 real advertisements for jobs in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane to investigate whether there was systemic – even if unconscious – discrimination against ethnic groups.

An Open Letter to the Python Software Foundation

It’s not clear to the wider African Python community why events unfolded in this way, though we are aware of some things that we have found very troubling. We know that there are some extraordinary attitudes at work within the PSF. A PSF Board member once openly expressed the opinion that Anglo cultures always seem to be the ones that take the moral lead around the world, leaving others to follow their example. From any non-western perspective, this is an astounding idea to receive. In the case of DjangoCon Africa, the first public response to our event on Mastodon was a negative response...

Full article: Racism and White privilege: highly skilled immigrant women workers in Australia

Skilled immigrant women represent a source of skills for the Australian economy. However, political and historical choices have formed and reinforced new emergent diasporic spaces in a country which remains marked by the British Empire’s heritage. Drawing on 31 qualitative interviews, this article focuses on the career journeys of skilled immigrant women from the UK, India, China and the Philippines in a White Anglo-dominant society. By marking and de-neutralizing the racialized nature of Australian working spaces, the study examines how racism operates within Australian working spaces. It ...

Hunter, Rosemary --- "Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism - By Aileen Moreton-Robinson" [2001] GriffLawRw 33; (2001) 10(2) Griffith Law Review 325

The issue of 'difference' has been troubling feminism for far too long. The fact that it continues to cause trouble is the troubling part. The 'difference' challenge to mainstream feminism has tended to come in one of two forms. First, women writing from the standpoint of 'others' within or outside feminism (women whb have variously identified themselves as Black, Latina, women of colour, Third World women, Indigenous women, women of nonEnglish speaking background, lesbians, women with a disability, or a combination of these) have castigated mainstream feminism for presuming a white, AngloI...

The Pervasiveness Of Racism And Bias In The Media

More reports must highlight how African migrants were being turned away while fleeing from Ukraine, but stories like this don’t initially gain as much coverage or traction. There has been a lack of coverage highlighting the conflict between the government of Ethiopia and the forces in the Tigray region. The conflict has persisted since November of 2020 and thousands of people have died while more than 300,000 people are living in famine. In the West African country of Cameroon, there is currently a civil war taking place in the country’s northwest region. The Anglophone crisis has been ongo...

Racism in workplace: Non-white workers held back by subtle racism

Less than a third of workers nationwide believe their employer is taking steps to prevent workplace racism, according to a landmark report that calls for Australian companies to confront their ingrained preference for white, Anglo-Saxon employees over those from other backgrounds. Diversity Council Australia’s Racism at Work report, to be released on Monday, argues that corporate leaders should set racial diversity hiring targets and be brave enough to speak directly about workplace racism instead of relying on fuzzy terms such as “harmony” and “cultural inclusion”.

Australia’s top boardrooms hasn’t changed since former Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane, called this issue out in the groundbreaking AHRC “Leading for Change” report in 2016.

Attending Watermark and Governance Institute’s 10th Board Diversity Index launch, it was disappointing to learn that cultural diversity in Australia’s top boardrooms hasn’t changed since former Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane, called this issue out in the groundbreaking AHRC “Leading for Change” report in 2016. The 10th Board Diversity Index reveals ASX 100, 200, 300 companies are made up of 91.2% white Anglo Celtic men/women average age 61. 40% have an accounting background. Last year in the lead up to our Referendum on the Voice, hundreds of Chairs and NEDs signed fu...

Gender, ethnic and age equality on boards falling, Governance Institute and Watermark Search International find

Ethnic and age diversity on ASX 300 boards is declining despite claims from companies they are working to improve these metrics, with new research showing there are more directors with an Anglo-Celtic background at these firms than seven years ago. There was no increase in the number of First Nations directors over the same period at just four either, according to the latest Governance Institute of Australia and Watermark Search International Board Diversity Index.

Thornton, Margaret --- "Affirmative action, merit and police recruitment" [2003] AltLawJl 72; (2003) 28(5) Alternative Law Journal 235

Benchmark Men, that is, those who are white, Anglo-Celtic, heterosexual and able-bodied, have traditionally dominated masculinist institutions like the police force. As a result, it has come to be assumed that they must be the best people. Accordingly, decision makers persist in appointing and promoting those who look most like themselves. 'It's like looking in a mirror', said one member of a recruitment panel when asked what image he held of the 'best person'.

Thornton, Margaret --- "Affirmative action, merit and police recruitment" [2003] AltLawJl 72; (2003) 28(5) Alternative Law Journal 235

Over successive generations, Anglocentric masculinity has asserted itself as the key, albeit unstated, criterion of merit. Thus, as pointed out above, when 'outsiders' are appointed, there are cries of reverse discrimination because settled expectations are disturbed.

Experts say name discrimination and hiring biases are bad news for applicants and employers - ABC News

There's been experimental data that has shown that for the same resume and application, an Anglo-Celtic name is more likely to proceed to interview and that's without changing anything about the application, just the name.

Job hunters change 'foreign sounding’ names | SBS News

Researchers from the Australian National University submitted 4000 fictional job applications for entry-level jobs, and found those with “non-Anglo” sounding names had to submit more resumes in order to gain an interview. Someone with a Middle Eastern-sounding name typically must submit 64 per cent more applications than a person with an Anglo-sounding name to land a job interview.

What Australians think is good leadership might just be Anglo traits - ABC News

Some leadership attributes, like being trustworthy or encouraging, are viewed the same way in all cultures, but there are other characteristics that only spell leadership to people of Anglo-Celtic backgrounds. This may present a problem for the 5.1 per cent of Australian senior business leaders who are neither European nor Anglo-Celtic background or for others who aren't Anglo but want to climb the corporate ladder. Especially when an estimated 24 per cent of the Australian population come from non-European or Indigenous backgrounds.

Name discrimination can make finding a job harder, but is changing to a pseudonym the answer? - ABC Everyday

Whether your CV lists Ruby or Rudabah, Michael or Mohamed shouldn't matter, so long as your skills are ace and a match for the job. Right? While it sounds good in theory, plenty of research has shown CVs featuring female names are less likely to lead to an interview or a job, and the same goes for non-Anglo names too.

Cultural diversity in leadership | Australian Human Rights Commission

In corporate Australia, the ranks of senior leaders remain overwhelmingly dominated by those of Anglo-Celtic and European background. Among the 201 chief executives of ASX 200 companies, 77 per cent have an Anglo-Celtic background and 18 per cent have a European background. Only 10 chief executives – or five per cent – have a non-European backgrounds. None of the 201 chief executives has an Indigenous background.

Australia's leaders are still mainly Anglo-Celtic, report finds | Australia news | The Guardian

None of Australia’s university chancellors or ASX 200 chief executives are Indigenous, with those positions dominated by people with Anglo-Celtic backgrounds, according to a landmark report on cultural diversity in leadership.

Australia's political and business leaders overwhelmingly Anglo-Celtic, research finds | Australian politics | The Guardian

Cultural diversity especially low within senior leadership of government departments and universities

Dismal stats for a society that prides itself on diversity': Over 95% of leaders from Anglo-Celtic or European background

Of those, 95% have an Anglo-Celtic of European backgrounds, which doesn’t come anywhere close to reflecting our general population. The Leading For Change report to be released by Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane (pictured above) today finds that 75.9 per cent of Australia’s most senior leaders have an Anglo-Celtic background, while 19 per cent have a European background.

Why racially marginalised women hide their identity by 'code-switching' to act 'white' at work - ABC News

The participants reported that "leadership models used for assessing talent in Australian organisations were inherently biased towards what the Diversity Council refers to as more masculine Western or 'Anglo' leadership styles which value extroversion and self-promotion". This, the report said, "has the effect of inadvertently excluding culturally diverse women from consideration for senior roles". It found 83 per cent of participants reported experiencing pressure to act, look, and sound like existing leaders (who are most likely to be white men) and 69 per cent reported having to "act w...

White Anglo patriarchal possession in organizations: Unequal vertical career progressions among Anglo White & non‐Anglo White highly skilled immigrant women - Carangio - 2023 - Gender, Work & Organization - Wiley Online Library

Within the discussion of highly skilled immigrant women workers in organizations, dominant discourses continue to pay little attention to the gender/racial dimension in relation to career progression. Although research of skilled immigrant women has revealed important insights into how the intersection of gender, race, and class shape women's work experience, the White Anglo colonial male promotion practices inscribed on Australian organizations in relation to skilled immigration remain little researched in Australia. This article explores the differences between the career progressions of ...

Non-Anglo women in Australia face significant discrimination at work

A national survey of more than 500 women conducted by Women of Colour Australia (WoCA) in partnership with Murdoch University revealed that many women of colour who are impacted by discrimination and racism in the workplaces are professional office workers, with 70 per cent in full time positions and a third earning over $100,000. Interestingly, 2 per cent of respondents surveyed were their organisation’s leaders, 58 per cent had white males as leaders, 26 per cent had Caucasian women leaders with a striking 7 percent reporting their leader as a woman of colour.

‘Overwhelmingly Anglo-Celtic’: new report shows diversity still lacking on Australian free-to-air TV news

Australia’s population is more diverse than ever. The latest ABS Census data shows just 54% of Australians now claim an Anglo-Celtic background. Around 25% have a non-European background, 18% have a European background, and 3% have an Indigenous background. Yet new research from the University of Sydney, UTS Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education and Research, and Media Diversity Australia confirms the journalist workforce remains overwhelmingly Anglo-Celtic and white. The research found that almost 80% of television news and current affairs presenters on the major free-to-air network...

Racism study finds one in three school students are victims of discrimination | Australian education | The Guardian

The first-of-its-kind study finds 40% of students in years five to nine from non-Anglo or European backgrounds reported experiencing racial discrimination

Why culturally diverse workers can struggle to advance to management positions - ABC Everyday

Maybe it's very diverse, but can you say the same about management, or the executive? There's a pattern you might observe: diversity disappears (or at least dwindles) as you move up the ranks in an organisation, especially in the corporate world. That's backed up by the statistics: Ninety-five per cent of senior executives and CEOs are of Anglo-Celtic or European background, according to the Australian Human Rights Commission. Only 5 per cent of senior leaders have non-European or Indigenous backgrounds, despite those groups making up an estimated 24 per cent of the population. That's ev...

Name discrimination still 'prevalent' in Australia, says race discrimination commissioner - ABC News

Western Sydney University social sciences researcher Dr Rimple Mehta said there had been "ample research" about the impact of name discrimination in Australia on people with non-Anglo-Saxon names, especially in employment and the private rental market. But she said name discrimination often started well before adulthood, between school students, or from teachers repeatedly using an incorrect or mispronounced name in the classroom. "This discrimination takes place on a subconscious level, but it has a lasting impact on the sense of belonging on young people, who at a very sensitive age are...

Australian company Optus apologises for 'Anglo-Saxon' job ad

An Australian telecommunications company has apologised for posting a job advert that stated a preference for "Anglo-Saxon" candidates. Optus, the nation's second-biggest provider, had included the description in a posting about a vacant position in a Sydney store. The advert was shared on social media, where it was criticised as racist.

Australian women at work: underpaid, discriminated against and told to be 'more confident' | Guardian sustainable business | The Guardian

Three organisations have released new research showing that top-tier female managers earn, on average, $93,000 less per year than their male equivalents, they are twice as likely to be told they need more “confidence” to be a leader (yet are more frequently criticised for being assertive) and, finally, that women who are culturally diverse – that is, not Anglo-Celtic– have it worst of all. Top-tier female managers earn, on average, 26.5% less than their male counterparts, according to a report by the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre, in collaboration with the Workplace Gender Equality Agen...

Public service discrimination must be eliminated

In a recent analysis, economists Robert Breunig, David Hansell and Nu Nu Win studied promotion prospects across the Australian Public Service. Their data source is extraordinarily detailed, comprising essentially every public servant over a 20-year period, from 2001 to 2020. With more than 100,000 public servants each year, the dataset runs into millions of observations. Although the data are de-identified, the researchers know whether each public servant is from an English-speaking background or a non-English-speaking background. Let’s call these categories Anglo and non-Anglo for simplic...

“Welcome to the U.S.” but “change your name”? Adopting Anglo names and discrimination - ScienceDirect

A field experiment and a lab experiment investigated how White Americans react to foreigners who present themselves either using original names or Anglo names. Drawing on self-categorization theory, hypotheses were derived from a partial ingroup membership framework. In Study 1, an email from a Chinese student requesting a meeting about graduate training was sent to 419 White professors with the name of the sender being varied (Xian versus Alex). Use of the Chinese name led to fewer responses and agreements to meet than using the Anglo name. In Study 2, a lecture recording from an internati...

Social Patterning of Racial Discrimination Among a Diverse Sample of School-Aged Children in Australia | Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities

Objective To examine the prevalence of young childrens’ reported experiences of racial discrimination and to assess whether discriminatory experiences vary by gender, religion and country of birth. Methods Data came from Speak Out Against Racism (SOAR), a cross-sectional study of 4664 public school students in grades 5–9 in two Australian states in 2017. An adaption of the Adolescent Discrimination Distress Index (ADDI), as a measure of discrimination, was used across four Indigenous and ethnic categories (Indigenous, Asian and non-Asian visible minorities, Anglo/European). Effect-measure ...

Whitewash on the box: how a lack of diversity on Australian television damages us all

The report, titled “Who gets to tell Australian stories?”, examined two weeks of programs. It found more than 75% of their presenters, commentators and reporters are of Anglo-Celtic background. Only 13% have a European heritage, 9.3% non-European and 2.1% Indigenous background.

The diffusion of diversity management: The case of France - ScienceDirect

Diversity, a ‘voluntary’ concern as seen through the Anglo-Saxon lens, and discrimination, a ‘legal’ mandated concern as seen through the same lens, have simultaneously been gaining popularity in France since 2003. In this respect, this country is undergoing a regulation process with various constituencies promoting new sets of rules to make French society more inclusive. Through three different explanatory lenses, I examine how published discourse regarding adoption of diversity practices is converted into action. These lenses, the Anglo-American business case, which insists on the economi...

“I was made to feel very discriminated against as an anglo-saxon”: Grappling with pedagogies of change | Emerald Insight

Critical discussion of the social conditions that shape educational thinking and practice is now embedded in accredited teacher education programmes. Beneath beliefs that critique of educational inequality is desirable, however, lie more problematic questions around critical pedagogies, ethics and power. Emotional investments can work to protect habituated ways of thinking, despite attempts to move students beyond their comfort zone. This strategic process can shift attitudes and promote intellectual and emotional growth, but can also produce defensive reactions. This paper, a self-study in...

Discrimination against latino job applicants: A controlled experiment - Bendick - 1991 - Human Resource Management - Wiley Online Library

Anglos and Latinos posing as job seekers applied for 468 job vacancies advertised in the Washington, D.C. area. Latino applicants received less favorable treatment than equally qualified Anglos more than 20% of the time. Discrimination was particularly prevalent for males and for jobs located in the center city, not requiring a college degree, and not widely advertised.

Women and leadership in higher education in Australia: Tertiary Education and Management: Vol 9, No 1

Senior academic women in Australian Universities, as elsewhere, continue to experience both direct and indirect discrimination, with the narrow white Anglo‐Celtic male management profile a dominant factor in this discrimination. While higher education remains a hostile work environment for senior academic women their participation rates are unlikely to increase. This article explores the barriers that senior academic women experience. It then examines whether or not diversity management programmes might provide a useful management tool to increase the participation of senior women in higher...

Job Performance Comparisons: Mexican-American and Anglo Employees - Charles N. Weaver, Norval D. Glenn, 1970

Reimagining the Northern Territory Intervention: Institutional and cultural interventions into the Anglo‐Australian imaginary - Churcher - 2018 - Australian Journal of Social Issues - Wiley Online Library

This paper draws on the example of the Northern Territory Intervention to examine the role of Australia's broader socio-cultural context in maintaining racist policies concerning Indigenous self-governance. Central to this paper is the claim that legislative, constitutional, and other structural reforms are limited on their own to prevent institutional practices of violence and exclusion that are bound up with popular ways of imagining Indigenous and non-Indigenous identities. In light of the potential limitations of top-down reforms to prevent the perpetuation of discriminatory policymakin...

Navajo Youth and Anglo Racism: Cultural Integrity and Resistance | Harvard Educational Review

In this article, Donna Deyhle presents the results of a decade-long ethnographic study of the lives, both in and out of school, of Navajo youth in a border reservation community. She describes the racial and cultural struggle between Navajos and Anglos and the manifestation of that struggle in schools and the workplace. While utilizing these theories' central insights, but then moves beyond them. While differences in culture play a role in the divisions between Anglos and Navajos, Deyhle asserts that these differences intertwine with power relations in the larger community, and that Navajo ...

Managers' Perceptions of Women and Men Leaders: A Cross Cultural Comparison - Jeanine Prime, Karsten Jonsen, Nancy Carter, Martha L. Maznevski, 2008

We examined perceptions of managers from four Western European cultural groups about women's and men's leadership. Participants from every cultural group perceived reliable gender-based differences in leadership effectiveness. While some stereotypes varied across cultures, stereotyping patterns were more often linked to participants' gender than to their cultural beliefs. Unexpectedly, gender stereotypes of leaders were least prevalent among Latin respondents compared to those from more egalitarian cultures. In the Nordic and Anglo groups, male participants' stereotypes disparaged women's p...

Understanding Bias toward Latinos: Discrimination, Dimensions of Difference, and Experience of Exclusion - Dovidio - 2010 - Journal of Social Issues - Wiley Online Library

White–Black relations have historically been the defining form of intergroup relations in the study of prejudice and discrimination. The present article suggests that there are limitations to applying this model to understanding bias toward other groups and proposes that a comprehensive view of the dynamics of the Anglos’ bias toward Latinos requires consideration of the distinctive elements of this form of intergroup relations. In four empirical studies, we experimentally document discrimination against Latinos (Study 1), explore the potential dimensions that underlie bias against Latinos ...

Terence Eden’s Blog: "Internationalise The Fediverse…" -

Internationalise The Fediverse We live in the future now. It is OK to use Unicode everywhere. It seems bizarre to me that modern Internet services sometimes "forget" that there's a world outside the Anglosphere. Some people have the temerity to speak foreign languages! And some of those languages have accents on their letters!! Even worse, some don't use English letters at all!!!

Australian Media, Intersectionality, and Reporting on Violence against

Recent research has noted how a lack of cultural diversity in the newsroom has an impact on what makes news and how it is reported (Rodrigues et al., 2021). This study examines how the media reports on violence against Australian women from culturally diverse backgrounds, and First Nations people. A qualitative analysis of news articles published in three prominent news media from September and December 2020 finds a lack of consideration given to intersectional factors, such as cultural diversity, race, socioeconomic conditions, and gender, that affect victims from diverse backgrounds. In a...

Libianca on 'horrific threats' over Cameroon's Anglophone war

But not everyone from the Central African nation feels this way. Last month, the 23-year-old musician announced she was postponing her North American tour because she had received death threats for performing with a Cameroonian flag. The threats, more than 50 of them, had been sent by rebels who want English-speaking parts of Cameroon, like Bamenda, to become an independent state. "They were sent all over social media... there was a lot in my management email," the singer, full name Libianca Kenzonkinboum Fonji, tells the BBC. "Some pretty horrific ones and some that threw in insults threat...

Rowland Mosbergen: "The same internal diversity ex…" -

The same internal diversity exists for white Americans – most of whom were not seen as “white” upon arrival, but became accepted as white, gradually, over decades. Whiteness, in America, has always been a sliding scale. Anglo-Saxon Protestants who arrived in earlier centuries, for example, had more social advantages than more recent European arrivals.

AnarchoNinaWrites: "I'm not a fortune teller; I do…" -

I'm not a fortune teller; I don't "know" what's going to happen tomorrow, let alone years into the future. But the thing about studying the history of fascism and reactionary violence that looks an awful lot like fascism even if anglo historians don't agree, is that it provides a number of blueprints for the creation of effective fascist movements, states and governments. Strategies, propaganda, tactics are all included. So when you see folks doing those things on purpose... it's "concerning."

Affirmative action, merit and police recruitment

Benchmark Men, that is, those who are white, Anglo-Celtic, heterosexual and able-bodied, have traditionally dominated masculinist institutions like the police force. As a result, it has come to be assumed that they must be the best people. Accordingly, decision makers persist in appointing and promoting those who look most like themselves. 'It's like looking in a mirror', said one member of a recruitment panel when asked what image he held of the 'best per~on'.~ The essential subjectivity of determining who is the best person for the job has allowed the status quo to be perpetuated, institu...

Does Australia have double-standard when it comes to “terror” convictions? - ABC Religion & Ethics

I readily acknowledge that the details in the respective cases are not thoroughly known, but based on reports, there are a number of serious questions about the standards of justice used to measure and deliver terror convictions. It often appears that Anglo-Australians who possess weapons and extremist materials, and show signs of plotting a terror attack, are charged with far less serious offences at the state level, and are able to avoid the “terrorist” label. Rather than receiving sentences of sixteen, eighteen, or thirteen years, Anglo-Australians have received sentences of three-years ...


Roy Barker "history still doesnt give Aborigines recognition for their part in developing Australia. In the early part they did all the work... stockmen, fencers, shearers, housekeepers, servants of all sorts, yard & house builders. Anglo-Saxon got the credit for all that" pg139


If the 12 restricted suburbs had been cut up differently, the chances of higher infection in Anglo majority areas would have increased. As Chief Health Officer concedes, most people who are positive don't know they are until they're tested, because they're ignoring mild symptoms


This is another racialised aspect of testing. Testing is very important. Victoria could have aimed for total testing. Instead it chose only highly multicultural suburbs, which make up less than 52% new infections. They didn't target Anglo suburbs that had higher rates in Wave 1..


SBS staff have pleaded with the board to appoint someone other than a white Anglo man as news director to reflect the station’s multicultural charter. Since 1978 the director of news has always been a white man, with the exception of Irene Buschtedt

Class action being pursued on coerced sterilization of First Nations, Inuit women in Quebec

Twelve Atikamekw women are taking legal action against the regional health authority that operates Joliette hospital in Quebec and three physicians. They are claiming sterilization without having given consent. The class action lawsuit will be before the Superior Court of Quebec in May 2023 for certification. "We expect the group to be significantly larger," said Léa Lemay Langlois, legal counsel with the Quebec law firm Dionne Schulze. Legal action is restricted to the single health authority because health services in Quebec must be sued individually.

Refugee and migrant women are often excluded from mainstream domestic violence services and policy

In Australia, the discussion around gendered violence is increasingly focused on diversity. However, policy and services continue to be based mostly on the experiences of white, Anglo-settler women.

Refugee and migrant women are often excluded from mainstream domestic violence services and policy

In Australia, the discussion around gendered violence is increasingly focused on diversity. However, policy and services continue to be based mostly on the experiences of white, Anglo-settler women.

Just resigned from my new #queerhist #publichistory job after three weeks. I was repeatedly pressured to use my anglo name. If I insisted on going by my initials, I had to write a blurb for the monthly newsletter "explaining my decision." (1/8)

This notion evokes a certain archetype of Anglo-centric leadership, a type of leadership that keeps racial diversity at the bottom and white people at the top. And in any case, in our community, leaders can behave differently, without the need for this expression of "talent".

Lol so I just got dumped from a group commission (good pay ~$1000, established journal etc) We were asked our thoughts at the initial meeting - I said lol it's kinda cooked that 7/8 of participants are Anglo ... Feeling pretty pissed. They ASKED for our individual opinion ...

You're seen as risky': non-white workers held back by subtle racism

A landmark report calls for Australian companies to confront their ingrained preference for white, Anglo-Saxon employees over those from other backgrounds.

Vietnamese and other peoples of Southeast Asia have naming conventions very much different from those in the Anglosphere. For us, writing our names overseas is a big headache. Let me first explain Vietnamese names, then I'll touch on names in other cultures.